Sunday, December 21, 2008

Battle for freedom never ends

And so, The Bluegrass Institute rarely sleeps and never takes holidays.

During the next two weeks, a lot of things slow down or stop. The march for freedom in Kentucky will not be one of them.

People who want government to get bigger and take more of your money to fund its activities are relentless in pursuit of their goals. Too often, we pay them as they gouge us.

The Bluegrass Institute may be small, but we are driven by our desire to pull Kentucky out of the big government muck and onto the highway toward wider opportunity and greater prosperity.

We hope you will join us for some of the many battles ahead. Meanwhile, please know that the Bluegrass Policy Blog will be updated regularly each day through the end of the year to get a jump on 2009. Check back often, share your comments, and use our email feature to send posts to your friends.

Thank you for a great 2008. We are just getting started!


Hempy said...

Without any commitment on your part to promote economic justice and fairness via proportional taxation, you continue to be a voice of opposition to freedom and good government.

You only express Republican, conservative values that are at odds with American constitutional values.

David Adams said...


You have unlimited space on here to make the case for anything you wish. Go back and you will see I have never erased any of your comments.

If you want to make the case for something, make it.

Merry Christmas!