Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mayor Newberry, call Obama's PR guys

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry, fresh off his Fox News flogging for failure to put specifics to the promise that Spendulus 2009 will "create" jobs, is at again.

In an email he sent out this morning, he is still claiming the bailout of cities and states will create jobs. Team Obama has long-since figured out the way to avoid accountability for their claims is to state they will be "creating or saving jobs."

It's clear President Obama has access to higher quality spinmeisters than Mayor Newberry does:

1 comment:

Hempy said...

Legalize hemp and thousands of new jobs will be created in Kentucky -- millions nationwide.

With the Justice Department calling off the feds raids on medical marijuana, why not allow states to legalize hemp as well?

Hemp is something the states should be dealing with--not the federal government.

There are over 50,000 products that can be made from hemp besides medicines from the cannabinoid THC, AKA, "marijuana."

All the past Republican presidential candidates opposed any relaxation of the rules on medical marijuana. They'd rather people suffer and drive health care costs up.

Republicans are nay-sayers who oppose any progress.

And if you've suffered any power outages, you can thank Sens. McConnell (R-KY) and Bunning (R-KY) because they voted against the economic stimulus bill.

McConnell didn't want any long term projects included. Putting in a smart electrical grid is a long term project.

Sens. McConnell and Bunning's message to Kentuckians? They voted against the stimulus bill because they believe it's better that Kentuckians sit in the darkness and curse it than to spend taxpayer money installing a smart electrical grid.

The same message can be heard from GOP governors who don't want to take taxpayers' money and spend it on things that will benefit the taxpayers.

Typical Republican. No wonder John Stuart Mill wrote of conservatives:

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."