Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good Impacts from 2006 Senate Bill on ACT Testing

Senate Bill 130 from the 2006 regular legislative session instituted testing with tests created by the ACT, Incorporated in grades 8, 10 and 11. Now, the Paducah Sun reports (Subscription required), that legislation is having positive effects on students and their higher education planning.

The Sun says Kentucky students now are starting to plan for college as early as middle school. This is a notable change from the historical trend where most Kentucky students didn’t start to think about higher education until their Junior year in high school.

The Sun article points out that today students take the ACT’s EXPLORE test in eighth grade and indicates that this helps students plan their high school years more effectively.

This is good news for all of Kentucky, as the new economy makes higher education virtually essential to earning a decent standard of living.

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