Friday, December 10, 2010

Cato Institute scholar visits home state of Kentucky

Yesterday, David Boaz, executive vice president of the Cato Institute and author of The Politics of Freedom, visited the Bluegrass Institute in Lexington for a luncheon event.
Boaz, a Mayfield native, gave an optimistic yet realistic view of freedom in the commonwealth and nation. He noted that while great advancements have occurred in scaling back government involvement in areas like airline deregulation, we still have much work to do to ensure the freedom and liberty intended by our founders.

Boaz echoed the message the Bluegrass Institute continuously works to promote: people thrive when given freedom.

"The simple system of liberty doesn't have many rules," Boaz commented. "Basically, let people alone to produce and trade with a few simple rules."

Boaz also signed copies of his book for luncheon attendees following the event.


Anonymous said...

To what are you referring in your mention of a scaling back of government involvement in airline deregulation?


vakeraj said...

Dora: Airline Deregulation

givejonadollar said...

Let David Boaz attend a Campaign for Liberty rally. Let him interview Ron Paul and exchange ideas.

I don't view him as a good libertarian, even though he claims to be one.

Anonymous said...

Those "libertarians" who pretend that there have been any substantial advances in the direction of liberty in recent years are either delusional or have an unusual definition of libertarianism. Airlines are certainly not a victory for liberty, regardless of what Boaz may think. Yes, there was a temporary victory for about 20 years, but it has been reversed in the last decade in the name of "keeping us safe" from the "terrorists" who attack us because of our imperialist foreign policy (a better option to "keep us safe" would be to bring all the troops home, close all overseas bases, and cut the military budget by a minimum of 50%).

The only reason for optimism at the present is because there is a vast increase in the number of libertarians. However, this is entirely due to Ron Paul and his Campaign for Liberty, not the beltway "libertarians" who attempted to sabotage his campaign (and aided a neo-con journalist to slander Dr. Paul in the New Republic magazine).

Anonymous said...

For the people writing from the basements of their parents, it's someone's report on what Boaz said, not his own words. But certainly as an example of the freeing of markets from rigid state control, airline pricing and entry controls were deregulated and that was a good thing for liberty. Some dolts are confusing airport security with the pricing policies of airlines. Two different things.

Boaz has promoted free markets his whole life and has also been a very outspoken opponent of the Iraq War, posting troops all over the world, assaults on civil liberties, etc.

David Boaz has done a lot to promote liberty. The remarks above are interesting examples of malicious envy.

Anonymous said...

David has done more for freedom and peace than anyone I know. I'm proud to know him and I'm proud he's a Kentuckian.