Friday, December 10, 2010

Quote of the day

‬‪"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." ―Thomas Jefferson‬‪


Anonymous said...

Great quote. That applied before the great Obama hope and change of redistribution.

Now people are rewarded for failing.

Now you get more positive press by pointing the finger at someone else than taking ownership to make something better.

Now leaders in Jefferson's position punish those who succeed.

Now the approach is to give away other people's money much faster than it can be replenished.

2nd rate leadership will turn this great country into a 2nd rate country - quickly.

Hempy said...

Read the quote carefully and you can see that Jefferson was advocating the right of unionization. Unions, embody the first principle of association for a redress of grievances.

I'd remind you that management has the right to collude against workers to deny them "the fruits acquired by" their industry.

So-called "right-to-work" states is a conspiratorial collusion by government to deny workers the fruits acquired by their industry.

Such practices repudiate the principles of capitalism, which seeks to promote the circulation of money since money is the life-blood of a society said Adam Smith, the father of capitalism.

Money is the vital principle of the body politic, said Alexander Hamilton.

Anonymous said...

No one should be penalized for being successful.

Hempy - this has nothing to do with unionization.