Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let’s get the right message out about planned testing in Kentucky

A couple of days ago the Prichard Committee’s blog posted some obviously incorrect data about plans for the new state testing program in Kentucky.

Prichard indicated that the ACT, Incorporated’s EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT tests would be used to evaluate writing, which is incorrect.

I asked Commissioner Terry Holliday to send me the current plan for the testing program, and he had Associate Commissioner Ken Draut send me a presentation that has the following slide with the “right stuff” on it.

Current Plan for Testing in Kentucky
CRT = Criterion Referenced Test (Usually provides information on proficiency)
NRT = Norm Referenced Test (Usually provides information on percentage of students that score lower than reference student or school)

Notice that writing will be evaluated, but that will be done with tests about the editing/mechanics of writing (I think those will be mostly multiple-choice) and by taking samples of on-demand writing in a test environment. The English part of the PLAN test will be used to do the mechanics/editing evaluation in high school, but there will be a lot more writing evaluation, as well. ACT and EXPLORE will not be used for any facet of writing evaluation.

Keep in mind, the state’s new assessment plan is still in the works. Some of the tests don’t exist at this time, and the 2011-12 final program could change from what is shown here.

But, this is the latest available information as of February 21.

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